Archive for October, 2008

The One With Feeling Sky High

Posted in Randoms, Wonderful Things on October 24, 2008 by steve maestro

I gotta testify, come up in the spot looking extra fly
For the day I die, I’mma touch the sky
Gotta testify, come up in the spot looking extra fly
For the day I die, I’mma touch the sky

(Kanye West’s Touch The Sky)

I’M FREE FROM EXAMS AND COLLEGE (University UCSI to be precise) STUFF! Wee~~~

And next year onwards I’m a year 2 student! Which also means I have got about a year plus left in uni.

But for now…


The One With The MC-ing and The Fire

Posted in Friends, My experiences on October 11, 2008 by steve maestro

A brief and quick update:

Done with MC-ing last Thursday. To those in the dark, I have been offered MC jobs for college events of late… last August was the Orientation Day, and last Thursday was for the Awards Day. Was supposed to MC for Halloween party yesterday, but… sigh, more details on that later.

MC-ing is fun. Don’t let anyone tell u that it is stressful and not worth the time and all. It’s really fun and good if you wanna improve on your speaking skills like improving your diction, your vocabulary, and so on. Orientation Day last August was way less informal compared to Awards Day, and that’s where I think I learnt the most.

And now comes the Halloween party thing. Was offered the opportunity to MC again last night. Everything went well when suddenly… a portion of the maze caught fire. And it was right at the beginning of the event. Speak about a cool intro to the event… burning and raging flames with people trapped inside it. Oh well, at least no one got injured, and in the end, all were forgiven and forgotten.

*this is a special message to Eliza. I know you won’t see this, but chances are Prakash would. And he would tell you. So here it is: Why la Liz?? Why you come??? You see lah you burnt the whole place down?!!*

… anyways.

Coat was ruined. Need to go get another coat now. Grrr…

The One With The Much Needed Update

Posted in Uncategorized on October 2, 2008 by steve maestro

Right, so I have not been updating the blog for 1 whole month. Well that just shows how busy I was……… not.

Well, just been lazy these days. Kept giving myself the reason of “nothing to update… why update?”. Well the fact is that I have lots of things going on, I can’t keep track of it and thus, ‘nothing’ to update.

If I could just turn the brain dial and see if there’s something I can update this miserable blog about…






































Nah, still nothing. But anyways, after the hectic weeks ahead (semester gonna end soon!), I will give a proper update. Til then… ciaoz!

and thank YOU dropping by every once in awhile. Adds to the effort to post something here you know?