The One With The CF Dinner and The Workplace

Greetings to all humans! Yes this site is not dead, it IS still pretty much alive… but just that I’ve not been doing a very good job in keeping it ‘alive’… anyways… some overdue things to be mentioned here.

The uni’s CF Reunion Dinner at Bukit Jalil Resort. Was basically a overdressed dinner meeting with friends you couldn’t care less to dress up to meet. But it was good nonetheless, some CF old timers was there, and we were entertained with various performances and the not-so-good-not-so-bad food. And of course, I went with her:

The only nice picture of me and her without looking odd. You look great on that night, ya know?


Yeah, so I worked at Nielsen for the whole of November month as a dumb and numb brainless zombie data entry worker… of course, working under my wacky mum and with her as well. Kinda miss the place somehow…

The awesome Chee Cheong Fun I ate almost every morning.

When not working she pouts her lips and does weird poses like this pose.

Wacky wacky mummy. She stole the hairband btw…

Alrighty, that’s the lil update for now… and oh yeah, last but not least…:

A MERRY BELATED CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL! May the year 2009 be a fantabulously rockin’ year for you guys!

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